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Find funeral directors in Bognor Regis

Plan a simple service or big celebration of life. Our directory is here to help you find the right funeral home in Bognor Regis. Simply scroll through the list below to see all your options in one place. You’ll find some of the most trusted independent funeral directors in Bognor Regis, plus established names such as Dignity and Co-op. Our directory covers Bognor itself, as well as surrounding towns like Chichester, Littlehampton and Selsey.

Plan a funeral in Bognor Regis

Although it’s a small town, Bognor Regis has quite a few options for funeral planning. The town has 2 cemeteries, both run by Arun District Council, plus several more nearby. There are a number of Christian churches and a Muslim community centre too, though you’ll have to travel to Brighton to find a synagogue or Hindu temple. There are no venues for natural funerals in Bognor Regis. However, Clayton Wood Natural Burial Ground is a choice if you’re willing to travel. It’s found in South Downs National Park, a short distance north of Brighton.

Find a crematorium near Bognor Regis

While there are no crematoriums in Bognor Regis, there are 2 found within driving distance. These are:

Find a Bognor Regis cemetery or burial ground

There are 2 cemeteries in Bognor Regis and a further 3 in the surrounding area. The Bognor Regis cemeteries are:

  • Bognor Regis Town Cemetery (council-run) - has a small area for Jewish burials
  • Chalcraft Lane Cemetery, North Bersted (council-run)

These are both run by Arun District Council. You can find more information on the council website.

Find venues for wakes in Bognor Regis

What sort of funeral wake are you planning? If you want the event to have a traditional feel, view these funeral wake venues in West Sussex for a list of suitable hotels and restaurants. Alternatively, you could have the wake at home, in a favourite pub or even at a public park.

Inspiring ways to celebrate the life of a loved one

Read real stories for ideas.

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We recommend taking some time to look into the different cemeteries and crematoriums listed above before you make your choice. You can find more information through their websites or by reading independent reviews. This will help you to find the best option to meet your needs.