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Find funeral directors in Summertown

Do you need help finding funeral directors in Summertown, Oxford? The Funeral Choice directory lists many options for funeral care in Summertown, along with surrounding areas of Oxford such as Marston and Botley. Simply browse the list to find an independent or well-known Summertown funeral home that feels right for you.

Plan a funeral in Summertown

There aren’t many options for funerals in Summertown because the area is very small. However, if you look a little further afield you’ll find a good selection of cemeteries, crematoriums and funeral venues. There are 3 crematoriums and 3 burial grounds nearby, 2 of which offer natural burials. You’ll find a number of churches in Summertown itself, plus a synagogue, several mosques and a Gurdwara in the wider Oxford area. Additionally, Oxford Crematorium has a chapel that caters to any faith, as well as non-religious funerals.

Find a crematorium near Summertown

Summertown’s closest crematorium is Oxford Crematorium. This is a privately run facility on the outskirts of the city. It has 2 chapels and several memorial gardens set in 22 acres of grounds. There are a couple more crematoriums nearby. Both are managed by a private company:

Find a burial ground or cemetery near Summertown

There are at least 5 active burial grounds in Oxford. The cemeteries below are within around 3 miles of Summertown.

Click the links to visit the council websites and learn more.

Inspiring ways to celebrate the life of a loved one

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We recommend taking some time to look into the different cemeteries and crematoriums listed above before you make your choice. You can find more information through their websites or by reading independent reviews. This will help you to find the best option to meet your needs.