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Find funeral directors in Winterbourne, Bristol

Our directory lists a selection of funeral directors in Winterbourne, along with options in neighbouring areas of north Bristol and South Gloucestershire. It makes it quick and easy to check prices, compare services and get in touch with local funeral homes. Are you looking for a well-known name like Co-op or Dignity? We’ve included several options here, as well as independent Winterbourne funeral directors that are run as family businesses.

Plan a Winterbourne funeral

Winterbourne is close to at least 3 crematoriums and 7 burial grounds, so there are lots of funeral planning options available. Among the local cemeteries are 2 natural burial grounds, one of which has a dedicated Muslim cemetery.

Are you looking for a religious venue? You could use the village church or one of the mosques in north Bristol. Additionally, Mangotsfield Cemetery has a 50-seat chapel, which can be used for funeral services even if the person who has died isn’t being buried there.

Find a crematorium in Winterbourne

If you’re planning a cremation or direct cremation in Winterbourne, you can use this crematorium in Westerleigh:

Alternatively, you could look into these council-run facilities in Bristol:

Find a burial ground or cemetery in Winterbourne

Below is a list of burial grounds within 4 miles of Winterbourne. There are no active cemeteries within Winterbourne itself.

  • Almondsbury Cemetery (council-run)
  • Bristol Memorial Woodlands (privately run) – a woodland burial site with a dedicated Islamic cemetery
  • Filton Cemetery (council-run)
  • Mangotsfield Cemetery (council-run)
  • Mayshill Cemetery, Westerleigh (council-run)
  • Ridgeway Park Cemetery (council-run)
  • Westerleigh Cemetery (privately run) – has a woodland burial ground

For information on the council-run cemeteries, visit Almondsbury Parish Council (for Almondsbury Cemetery) or South Gloucestershire Council (for all others).


Inspiring ways to celebrate the life of a loved one

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We recommend taking some time to look into the different cemeteries and crematoriums listed above before you make your choice. You can find more information through their websites or by reading independent reviews. This will help you to find the best option to meet your needs.