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Find funeral directors in Springburn

Let us help you find funeral directors in Springburn. Our online directory includes both well-established names like Co-op, and independent, family-run options. In our listings we include funeral homes in Springburn itself, so there’s no need to travel far for top-quality support.

Planning a funeral in Springburn

Since Springburn is based in Glasgow, you’ll have access to many options when funeral planning. From churches and chapels to mosques and temples – you’ll find them all within a few miles of Springburn.

Alternatively, there are 5 crematoriums close to Springburn as well as a woodland cemetery approximately 16 miles away. Of course, if you need any further help with where to plan a funeral in Springburn, your local funeral director should be able to assist you.

Why compare Springburn funeral parlours?

Funeral directors in Springburn all charge different amounts, which is why it’s worth comparing them all first. Additionally, factors like the type of service you opt for and when it’s due to take place can affect the overall cost too. That’s why we’ve created our online directory, so that you can weigh up all the funeral homes in Springburn in one place, at your own pace.

Find a crematorium near Springburn

Organising a cremation? There are 5 crematoriums within 10 miles of Springburn, including:

Find a Springburn cemetery or burial ground

There’s also a wide variety of cemeteries in the area, including both council-run and privately-owned options. Some of the closest burial grounds include:

  • Abercromby Street Burial Ground (council-run)
  • Cathcart Cemetery (council-run)
  • Dalbeth Cemetery – Roman Catholic burial ground (privately owned)
  • Glasgow Hebrew Society Cemetery (privately owned)
  • Killearn Woodland Cemetery – natural burial ground (privately owned)
  • Lambhill Cemetery (council-run)
  • Linn Cemetery – Muslim burial section (council-run)
  • Sighthill Cemetery (council-run)
  • St. Kentigern’s Roman Catholic Cemetery (council-run)

Inspiring ways to celebrate the life of a loved one

Read real stories for ideas.

Are you a funeral director in Springburn?

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We recommend taking some time to look into the different cemeteries and crematoriums listed above before you make your choice. You can find more information through their websites or by reading independent reviews. This will help you to find the best option to meet your needs.