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Find funeral directors in Buckley

If you need to arrange a funeral, our directory helps you find funeral directors in Buckley, and in nearby towns like Hawarden and Ewloe Green. Use our list to compare funeral homes in Buckley based on cost, location and range of services.

In Buckley there are independent funeral directors like Bushby & Kane Funeral Directors and more well-known brands like Dignity (O. W. Ellis). Use our listings to help you plan the send-off you want.

Click here for more information about how to arrange a funeral.

Planning a funeral in Buckley

If you’re planning a funeral in Buckley, you have a few things to think about. For burials, there are 2 cemeteries near Buckley in Hawarden and Mold. There is one crematorium near Buckley, in Mold.

If you want a natural burial, there is a natural burial site within a 30-minute drive, in Chester.

If you need a Christian place of worship, Buckley can offer a range of places, including Church of England, Baptist and Methodist churches.

If you need a mosque, you can find one 45 minutes away, in Rhyl.

Why compare Buckley funeral directors?

How much a funeral costs in Buckley depends on several things. These include the type of service you want, the funeral director you choose and whether you want a burial or cremation. In fact, funeral directors’ fees typically make up around one third of the cost of a funeral. So comparing options could help you to save hundreds of pounds. That’s why it’s always a good idea to compare prices. If you want to plan an affordable funeral in Buckley, our directory helps you to compare prices in one place.

Find a Buckley crematorium

If you’re planning a cremation, there is one crematorium near Buckley:

Find a cemetery or burial ground in Buckley

There are no cemeteries in Buckley, but there are several in nearby Hawarden and Mold. Within 30 minutes of Buckley, there’s a natural burial site in Chester:

  • Hawarden No. 2 Cemetery, Hawarden
  • Mold Town Cemetery, Mold
  • Monument Meadow Natural Burial Ground, Chester

Find funeral wake venues in Buckley

You may choose to hold the wake at your home or a local pub like The White Lion. For larger venues in Buckley, perhaps consider places like Buckley Working Men’s Club. You could always ask your funeral director for more ideas.

Inspiring ways to celebrate the life of a loved one

Read real stories for ideas.

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We recommend taking some time to look into the different cemeteries and crematoriums listed above before you make your choice. You can find more information through their websites or by reading independent reviews. This will help you to find the best option to meet your needs.