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Find funeral directors in North Shields

If you live in North Shields and you need help planning a funeral, our directory can make things a little easier. We’ve listed a selection of North Shields funeral directors, including independent options and names you might know like Co-op and Funeral Partners. If you can’t see a funeral home in North Shields that feels right for you, you can look further afield. There are listings for other areas in North Tyneside such as Whitley Bay, as well as options south of the Tyne.

Plan a funeral in North Shields

North Shields offers funeral options that cater to a variety of cultures, beliefs and preferences. The local crematorium (Tynemouth Crematorium) has a chapel that can be used for any kind of funeral service, including non-religious funerals. In case you’d prefer a traditional religious service, there are a number of churches in the town, plus a few mosques nearby. There’s also a gurdwara in South Tyneside.

The town has one cemetery and there are 3 more not too far away. One of these cemeteries has a woodland burial ground.

Why compare North Shields funeral homes?

There are no fixed fees for funeral homes. Each funeral director in North Shields sets their own prices and has their own way of doing things. Comparing several options is a good way to gauge average North Shields funeral costs and find the right local funeral home for you. This way, you can arrange the most affordable funeral you can while still getting the kind of service you want.

Find a North Shields crematorium

North Shields’ local crematorium is located on the grounds of Preston Cemetery. It features a garden of remembrance, a chapel and burial spaces for ashes.

Other local options include:

Find a North Shields cemetery or burial ground

North Shields has its own cemetery, which you’ll find on Walton Avenue.

  • Preston Cemetery

Here are some more burial grounds that are only a short drive away.

  • Earsdon Cemetery – has a woodland burial area
  • Holy Cross Cemetery
  • Jarrow Cemetery

Most of these cemeteries are run by North Tyneside Council. The exception is Jarrow Cemetery, which is run by South Tyneside Council. Click the links for more details.

Inspiring ways to celebrate the life of a loved one

Read real stories for ideas.

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We recommend taking some time to look into the different cemeteries and crematoriums listed above before you make your choice. You can find more information through their websites or by reading independent reviews. This will help you to find the best option to meet your needs.