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Find funeral directors in Stourbridge

If you’re looking for the right Stourbridge funeral home, our directory is here to help. We make it easier to compare prices, get contact details and see what services they offer. As well as funeral directors in Stourbridge town centre, you’ll see options in Lye, Wollaston and other local villages. Choose from a range of family-run funeral homes or well-known directors like Dignity and Co-op – all available in one easy place.

Plan a funeral in Stourbridge

There are many options for funerals in Stourbridge and the surrounding area. There are 6 cemeteries within the local council borough, including 3 with dedicated Islamic burial areas and one with a natural burial site. The town has a crematorium, adapted from an old chapel building – and there’s another crematorium a short distance away in Gornal. Stourbridge is home to several places of worship too. You’ll find lots of churches in town, as well as a mosque in Lye.

Why compare Stourbridge funeral directors?

Comparing listings is a good way to understand the average cost of funerals in Stourbridge. You may learn that one funeral director charges more than another for the same kind of service. Or you might find a Stourbridge funeral home with unique services that are ideal for the type of funeral you’re planning. By comparing prices and services, you can choose the funeral director that feels best for you.

Find a crematorium in Stourbridge

There are 2 crematoriums in the Dudley Borough:

  • Stourbridge Crematorium is quite close to the town centre. Its chapel was adapted from an older building, so it has a traditional feel.
  • Gornal Wood Crematorium is around 6 miles away. It has a more modern look than the crematorium in Stourbridge.

Find a burial ground or cemetery in Stourbridge

Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council manages 7 burial grounds. All are within 6 miles of Stourbridge. The burial grounds are:

  • Brierley Hill Cemetery – has dedicated Muslim burial sections
  • Cradley Cemetery
  • Dudley Cemetery – has dedicated Muslim burial sections
  • Gornal Wood Cemetery – has a woodland burial area
  • Halesowen Cemetery
  • Lye and Wollascote Cemetery – has dedicated Muslim burial sections
  • Stourbridge Cemetery – the town’s main burial ground

Visit the council website for more details.

Find a funeral wake venue in Stourbridge

With its wide selection of pubs and restaurants, Stourbridge has plenty of options for funeral wake venues. Or you could hold the wake in a park, visitor attraction or even your own home. It’s up to you. See a list of funeral wake venues in Stourbridge.

Inspiring ways to celebrate the life of a loved one

Read real stories for ideas.

Are you a funeral director in Stourbridge?

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We recommend taking some time to look into the different cemeteries and crematoriums listed above before you make your choice. You can find more information through their websites or by reading independent reviews. This will help you to find the best option to meet your needs.