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Find funeral directors in Cromer

Need to plan a funeral in Cromer? With our directory, find all your funeral planning options in one place. We list a selection of Cromer funeral directors, along with funeral homes in Sheringham, Aylsham and Stalham. You can browse through the listings and compare prices and services as you go. We’ve made sure to include independent Cromer funeral directors, as well as familiar names like Co-op and Dignity.

Plan a funeral in Cromer

Cromer has 2 cemeteries, which are owned and operated by Cromer Town Council. The town is also home to a privately-run crematorium, which has a garden of remembrance and a multi-faith chapel. There’s a natural burial ground not too far away too. It’s called Norfolk Bluebell Wood Burial Park. You’ll find it just north of Norwich.

Cromer has limited options for religious funerals. There are a number of Christian churches in towns, but few if any venues that cater to other faiths.

Find a crematorium in Cromer

Are you planning a cremation funeral? You’ll find a crematorium at Cromer Town Cemetery on Holt Road.

This relatively new crematorium was built in 2017. It serves the whole of North Norfolk.

Find a Cromer cemetery or burial ground

There are at least 2 cemeteries in the Cromer area. Both are located on Holt Road.

  • Cromer Old Cemetery (run by Cromer Town Council)
  • Cromer Town Cemetery (run by Cromer Town Council)

Do you want to look further afield? There’s one more cemetery near Cromer that you could consider.

The links above will take you to the council websites, which provide more details on these burial grounds.

Find funeral wake venues in Cromer

As long as you get permission in advance, you can use any pub, cafe or hotel function room as a wake venue. You could even use your home or an outdoor space like a beach or park. Find a funeral wake venue in Norfolk.

Inspiring ways to celebrate the life of a loved one

Read real stories for ideas.

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We recommend taking some time to look into the different cemeteries and crematoriums listed above before you make your choice. You can find more information through their websites or by reading independent reviews. This will help you to find the best option to meet your needs.