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Find funeral directors in Knaresborough

If you’re looking for funeral directors in Knaresborough, we’re here to help. Our directory of funeral homes makes finding one simpler. Browse the listings and compare costs and services so that you can find a funeral director in Knaresborough that’s most suitable for you.

Planning a funeral in Knaresborough

If you’re planning a funeral in Knaresborough there are plenty of options to choose from. Stonefall Cemetery & Crematorium accommodates both funeral services and memorial services in the chapel. For religious funeral services there are several churches in Knaresborough and the surrounding area. There’s also a mosque and synagogue in Harrogate, just 25 minutes away. For natural burials, Tarn Moor Memorial Woodland is about 45 minutes away in Skipton. To preserve the woodland no traditional memorials are allowed. Instead, the coordinates of the burial plots are recorded so that family members can easily visit the resting place of their loved one.

Why compare Knaresborough funeral directors?

Funeral directors in Knaresborough, and across the UK, charge different prices for a funeral. The cost also varies depending on the venue you choose and the type of funeral service you’re planning. So it’s useful to compare costs. Our directory of local listings will make comparing funeral homes easier.  You’ll have all the info you need in front of you so you can compare the details and make an informed choice about which funeral director to choose.

Find a crematorium in Knaresborough

There’s one crematorium near Knaresborough. This is:

Find a cemetery or burial ground in Knaresborough

There are several cemeteries in Knaresborough and Harrogate. These include:

  • Knaresborough Cemetery (council-owned)
  • Stonefall Cemetery & Crematorium (council-owned)
  • Grove Road Cemetery (council-owned)

You can learn more about Knaresborough cemetery and crematorium listings on the North Yorkshire Council website.

Inspiring ways to celebrate the life of a loved one

Read real stories for ideas.

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We recommend taking some time to look into the different cemeteries and crematoriums listed above before you make your choice. You can find more information through their websites or by reading independent reviews. This will help you to find the best option to meet your needs.