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Find funeral directors in Highcliffe

If you need to find a funeral director in Highcliffe, we’re here to help. Our directory allows you to compare independent funeral directors with well-known names like Co-op and Dignity in Highcliffe, throughout the New Forest and other nearby areas. Find the right Highcliffe funeral director, wherever you’re based and whatever type of service or celebration you’re looking to plan.

Planning a funeral in Highcliffe

Highcliffe has 2 crematoriums nearby, the closest just a short way away in New Milton. There are also plenty of cemeteries in the local area. If you wish to include a religious element in your funeral plans, you will find numerous churches in and around Highcliffe. However, you may need to head towards nearby Bournemouth to find places of worship for other faiths. You can find out more about Jewish burial services in the area from the Bournemouth Community Hebrew Congregation.

Why compare Highcliffe funeral directors?

Funeral costs in Highcliffe vary depending on where and when the service takes place and whether you opt for full burial or cremation. It’s important to compare prices offered by local funeral directors, as you may find these are different depending on the services offered. If you want to plan an affordable funeral in Highcliffe, our directory makes it easy to compare costs all in one place. So you can make an informed choice.

Find a Highcliffe crematorium

Planning a cremation? The closest crematorium to Highcliffe is New Forest Crematorium, just a few miles away. Bournemouth Crematorium is also within relatively easy reach:

Find a cemetery or burial ground in Highcliffe

The closest cemeteries to Highcliffe are in New Milton, just a couple of miles away. There are more options towards Bournemouth, or if you are considering a less traditional approach, there is also a natural burial ground nearby in Hinton:

  • Hinton Park Woodland Burial Ground (privately run)
  • New Milton Cemetery (New Forest District Council)
  • New Forest Crematorium & Memorial Gardens (privately run)
  • Milford Road Cemetery (New Forest District Council)
  • East Cemetery (BCP Council)
  • Sway Cemetery (New Forest District Council)
  • Throop Jewish Cemetery
  • North Cemetery (BCP Council)
  • Lymington Cemetery (New Forest District Council)
  • Wimborne Road Cemetery (BCP Council)

You can find more details about Highcliffe cemetery and crematorium listings on the New Forest District Council website.

Find a wake venue in Highcliffe

You might want to host the wake at your home or a community hall. Alternatively, if you’re thinking of hiring a private venue, there are many hotels, restaurants and other Highcliffe funeral wake venues to choose from.

Inspiring ways to celebrate the life of a loved one

Read real stories for ideas.

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We recommend taking some time to look into the different cemeteries and crematoriums listed above before you make your choice. You can find more information through their websites or by reading independent reviews. This will help you to find the best option to meet your needs.