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Find funeral directors in Frodsham

Need to find funeral directors in Frodsham? Let us help you compare your options. Our listings contain independent, family-run funeral services in Frodsham itself, which means you won’t have to go far to receive quality support.

Planning a funeral in Frodsham

If you’re planning a funeral in Frodsham, you have a few different options available. For a cremation, there are 3 crematoriums within 10 miles. Or, for a religious service, there are churches and chapels in town, as well as a mosque and a synagogue further towards Widnes and Warrington. Alternatively, there are some natural burial sites within a 20-mile radius of Frodsham.

Why compare Frodsham funeral directors?

It’s important to compare the different funeral directors in Frodsham before making a decision, as the price you pay can vary. The type of service and the day it’s scheduled for may also impact the cost. So, to make an informed choice, you can easily weigh up the different Frodsham funeral directors in one place, when you use our online directory.

Find a Frodsham crematorium

There are a few crematoriums within 10 miles of Frodsham, meaning you can find something local to you. Here are the closest crematoriums to town:

Find a Frodsham cemetery or burial ground

There are several council-run and privately owned cemeteries in Frodsham and the surrounding areas. These include:

  • Frodsham Cemetery (council-run)
  • GreenAcres Rainford Natural Cemetery (privately owned)
  • Halton Cemetery – Runcorn (council-run)
  • Monument Meadow Natural Burial Ground (privately owned)
  • Peel House Cemetery (council-run)
  • Runcorn Cemetery (council-run)
  • Widnes Cemetery (council-run)

Inspiring ways to celebrate the life of a loved one

Read real stories for ideas.

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We recommend taking some time to look into the different cemeteries and crematoriums listed above before you make your choice. You can find more information through their websites or by reading independent reviews. This will help you to find the best option to meet your needs.