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Find funeral directors in Fleetwood

The Funeral Choice directory can help you find Fleetwood funeral directors, compare prices and make the right choice for the funeral you want. Our listings include a number of family-owned Fleetwood funeral homes, as well as options in Blackpool, Cleveleys and Poulton. There are several funeral parlours you might recognise too, including names like Dignity and Co-op.

Plan a Fleetwood funeral

If you’re arranging a burial or cremation in Fleetwood, you can choose from around 5 local cemeteries and one crematorium. The crematorium has a chapel that can hold any kind of religious or non-religious service.

The crematorium isn’t the only option for religious funerals in Fleetwood, though. The town has several Christian venues, including Catholic and Anglican churches. Travel south to Blackpool and you’ll find a mosque, a Buddhist centre and a synagogue.

Are you planning a green funeral? The nearby Poulton New Cemetery has a council-run natural burial site. You could also consider the privately run Dalton Woodland Burial ground in Cumbria.

Find a Fleetwood crematorium

The closest crematorium to Fleetwood is just a few miles south in Blackpool.

On the crematorium grounds, you’ll find a chapel, a cafe and a Jewish prayer room. It also has a columbarium, which is a special type of memorial for cremated remains.

Find a cemetery or burial ground in Fleetwood

The town’s main burial ground is called Fleetwood Cemetery. It’s on the north side of town, close to the beach.

There are more options in Poulton, Blackpool and over the river in Preesall.

  • Carleton Cemetery (run by Blackpool Council)
  • Layton Cemetery (run by Blackpool Council) – has dedicated areas for Jewish and Islamic burials
  • Poulton New Cemetery (run by Wyre Council) – has a woodland burial ground
  • Preesall Cemetery (run by Wyre Council)

The links in the list above take you to the council websites, where you can find out more about the burial grounds.

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We recommend taking some time to look into the different cemeteries and crematoriums listed above before you make your choice. You can find more information through their websites or by reading independent reviews. This will help you to find the best option to meet your needs.