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Find funeral directors in King’s Lynn

If you’re looking for funeral directors in King’s Lynn, our directory will help. Here, you’ll find local funeral homes ranging from family-run independents to more well-known names like Co-op Funeralcare. With all your options in one place it’ll make finding a funeral director simpler.

Planning a funeral in King’s Lynn

There are several options when you’re planning a funeral in King’s Lynn. The crematorium provides religious and non-religious services in its chapel which seats 100 people. Funeral service webcasts are available and there’s also a flower court area where tributes can be left and viewed. In the gardens of remembrance there are areas for memorials and there’s also a columbarium for the interment of ashes. For eco-friendly funerals the nearest natural burial site is Nar Valley Green Burials in Pentney just 20 minutes away.

Why compare King’s Lynn funeral directors?

The cost of funerals in King’s Lynn varies from one funeral director to the next. The cost also depends on the type of funeral you’re planning and when and where it takes place. So it’s important to compare costs. By using our directory to compare funeral directors in King’s Lynn you’ll get a better idea of what costs to expect when planning a funeral. And having all your local options in one place will help you make an informed decision about who to work with.

Find a crematorium in King’s Lynn

If you’re planning a cremation, there’s one crematorium in King’s Lynn:

Find a cemetery or burial ground in King’s Lynn

There are 2 main cemeteries in King’s Lynn. These include:

  • Gayton Road Cemetery (council-owned)
  • Hardwick Road Cemetery (council-owned)

Find more details about King’s Lynn cemetery and crematorium listings on the West Norfolk council website.

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We recommend taking some time to look into the different cemeteries and crematoriums listed above before you make your choice. You can find more information through their websites or by reading independent reviews. This will help you to find the best option to meet your needs.