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Find funeral directors in Ashington, Northumberland

Do you need help finding a funeral director in Ashington? Our directory can guide your search. With our directory you’ll find independent family-run funeral directors, as well as well-known names like Co-op. Our search tool makes it easy to filter listings based on your location and preferences, so you can find the right funeral home for you.

Planning a funeral in Ashington

When planning a funeral, Ashington offers a wide selection of options including 2 crematoriums, as well as nearby woodland burial grounds. You can also choose from local cemeteries and churchyards.

For religious services, Ashington has many churches and chapels you can consider. In nearby Blyth, you’ll find a local mosque and synagogue. If you’re searching for more places of worship, including gurdwaras and Hindu temples, you’ll find them further afield in Newcastle upon Tyne.

Why compare Ashington funeral directors?

Each funeral home in Ashington offers services at different price points, and one may be better placed than another to help you plan the kind of farewell you want. For example, one funeral director may offer direct cremations only whereas another has a wider range of options to choose from. Our directory makes it easy to compare these differences all in one place, so you can find the funeral home that best matches your needs and budget.

Find a Ashington crematorium

If you’re planning a cremation, there are 2 main crematoriums near Ashington:

Find a cemetery or burial ground in Ashington

There are several council-run and 3 privately-owned cemeteries in Ashington. These include:

  • Holy Sepulchre Church Cemetery, Ashington (council-run)
  • St Aidan’s Church Cemetery, Ashington (council-run)
  • St John’s Church Cemetery, Ashington (council-run)
  • Bedlington Cemetery (council-run)
  • Blyth Cowpen Cemetery (council-run)
  • St Andrew’s Church Cemetery, Bothal (council-run)
  • North Seaton Cemetery (council-run)
  • Northumberland Woodland Burial & Crematorium (private burial ground)
  • Blue House Woodland Burials (private burial ground)
  • Hundy Mundy Natural Burial Ground (private burial ground)

You can find more details about Ashington cemetery and crematorium listings on the council website.

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We recommend taking some time to look into the different cemeteries and crematoriums listed above before you make your choice. You can find more information through their websites or by reading independent reviews. This will help you to find the best option to meet your needs.